Lead Generation Chatbot

Automate lead capturing and nurturing with the AI-powered lead generation chatbot.

Leadbot is personalized and embeddable, perfect for collecting information from your website visitors and funneling them into Sales Simplify.

Step 1 - Click on Lead Bot in the Settings menu

Step 2 - To add a new Lead Bot, click on the +Leadbot button.

Step 3 - Add a name for the Lead Bot and you will be redirected to the creation page

Step 4 - You will have the options of Welcome Screen, Questions, Thank you Screen and Settings. You can see the preview of the Chatbot and Landing Page of your Lead Bot on the right side.

Welcome Screen -

  • You can enable/disable it to appear on the Leadbot.

  • Add Image - You can add an image URL or upload it from the computer which will be embedded in the welcome screen. Any image size can be added but the recommended pixel size is 1200px*630px with a file size of 3MB.

  • Description - The text will appear on the welcome screen.

  • Button - You can name the button and change the color in the settings.

Questions -

  • You can add as many questions as required and reorder them with a simple drag & drop.

  • You can enter the question you want the user to answer.

  • Map the question to the Lead field of your choice.

  • If mandatory or a hidden field it can be enabled/disabled.

Thank you Screen -

  • You can enable/disable it to appear on the Leadbot.

  • Description - The text will appear on the welcome screen.

Settings -

  • Select Tag - You can choose the Tag for the Lead and will be automatically assigned.

  • Select Owner - Your Submission will be assigned to the team member you select automatically. If you select more than one Team Member, it’ll be assigned on a sequence basis. For example First to Team Member A and then to Team Member B.

  • Shout Message - It will appear only in the chat widget.

  • Background image - You can add an image URL or upload it from the computer which will be embedded in the welcome screen. Any image size can be added but the recommended pixel size is 1200px*630px with a file size of 3MB.

  • Color Settings - You can change the color settings for Background, Question, Answer, and Button.

Step 5 - Once done you can click Publish, to receive the code for the Chatbot, Landing Page or Embed within the web page.


Question - How many leads can each Lead Bot Capture?

Answer = Unlimited number of leads can be captured. The only limitation is based on the plan you have subscribed for will limit the number of leads capture. Example - If you are on a Business plan you can capture 500,000 Records/Leads.

Question - How many Lead bots can I create?

Answer = It's limited on the plan you have subscribed to.

Startup - 5 Lead Bots

Business - 10 Lead Bots

Enterprise - Unlimited

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