Don’t you get tired of doing the same mundane tasks repeatedly? Isn’t scheduling the same activity after lead creation or moving deal stages repetitively a time-consuming affair?
That’s why it’s in the best interest to automate these tasks, so you can concentrate on the important things that make your business thrive.
Automations speed up your workflow by automating tasks based on a trigger event chosen by you.
Creating the workflow automation
Step 1 - Click on the Automation module and choose Workflow. Once you are in the Workflow section, you can add a workflow by clicking on “ +Workflow “.
Step 2 -You have 2 types of Workflow you can add.
From Scratch - Create Workflow from scratch. Specify Trigger, Conditions, and Actions.
From Template - Create Workflow from pre-existing templates.
You have 5 Steps for creating the workflow. To begin designing your workflow automation, you can give a name to your workflow and choose Trigger by an individual or any user.
Next, you can choose which Module you want to automate your workflow with.
Once the Module is selected you can set the Trigger. The Trigger is an initial input that kicks off the activation of an automated workflow. The trigger can be when Created, Edited, or either Created or Edited.
With the trigger event in place, you will then have an option to apply a condition (or conditions) to your trigger. Here, you can define under what circumstances your automation will trigger.
There are 2 types of conditions that can be triggered,
Events with condition
All events.
After saving your condition, click on "+ Add Condition" to choose your next step. This can be another condition or your auction event. If you have more than one criterion in a workflow, you can specify the pattern to be followed for those criteria.
What is a criteria pattern?
The criteria pattern uses a simple logical operation using AND and OR to determine
How to use the criteria to determine which records the workflow applies to?
Use the AND operator if all the criteria you add must be true to trigger the workflow rule.
Use the OR operator if only one of your criteria must be true to trigger the workflow rule.
Use a combination of both AND and OR conditions to create your own logical expressions.
The final step in the workflow determines what the workflow actually does with the records that It applies to. There are multiple actions that can be performed based on the Modules.
Email Notifications
Email Name - Assign a name for the email
To address - Choose which email address receives the notification.
Subject - a subject line for the email
Email Content - You can choose based on pre-set templates or custom-make your own content for the email notification.
Field Updates
Name - Assign a name for the Field Update.
Module - Choose the module in which the update needs to occur.
Field - Which field in the module requires to be updated?
Value - The content or value to be updated to the selected field.
Create Activity
Activity Type - Choose the type of activity to be created.
Activity Name - Assign a name for the activity.
Time - The duration of the activity.
Description - A brief description of the activity.
Owner - The owner of the activity.
Create Deal
Deal Name - The name of the Deal to be created.
Deal Value - The Currency and value of the Deal.
Pipeline - Which pipeline the deal is for?
Pipeline Stages - At what stage of the pipeline is the deal to be created.
Expected Close Date - The expected closure date of the deal.
Tag - Choose what tag to be assigned to the deal.
Owner - The owner of the deal.
Convert Lead to Junk
Select Lost Reason - choose the reason for converting to Junk.
Comments - Any particular comments for the conversion.
Deal to Lead - Convert Deal to Lead.
Deal Lost Reason
Select Lost Reason - choose the reason for converting to Junk.
Comments - Any particular comments for the conversion
Deal Archive - Archive the deal.
You can add multiple actions to your workflow automation, and they will always be executed from the top and work down the list. E.g., Step 3 will only be executed after step 2 is done.
However, note that automation do not wait until each condition for every action is met. The automation will execute the actions separately based on the initial trigger. If a condition of a specific action is not met, the action will not be executed.
Once you have made all of your choices and designed your workflow, click the “Save” button to finalize your automation. All of your workflows will be listed on the workflow automation page within the Sales Simplify. You may edit, delete, or mark workflows as active or inactive under Status. If a workflow is marked as inactive, the trigger and action functions will not occur.