Custom Fields

Sales Simplify caters to your business needs by allowing you to add or delete custom feels as needed.

Customization is something we believe in, when you have your team adding leads other than the preset fields, I am sure you would want to add other fields that are a requirement in your business. We have built in the option in our platform.

How to create a Custom field?

Step 1 - Admin setting->Custom Fields

Step 2 - Click on the Add Custom Field and the below dropdown will be shown

Step 3 - You can select any of these modules to create a custom field. If you want to create a custom field in Leads Module, just click on the lead Field and a pop-up will open.

Step 4 - Fill in the field name and choose the field type such as checkbox, input field, number, text, etc.

Step 5 - If it’s a required field you can check the box called Required thus it won’t accept any empty value unless the user fills it.

If you require the new field to be reflected in the form, check the ADD Field checkbox.

Step 6 – Click Add Field and the changes will appear.

You can see the field has been added to the add lead form, thus you can create the same for any other forms such as Person, Company, or Product.

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