How can I create an account at Sales Simplify? Here is a process on how to sign up.
You won't believe how easy it is to sign up for a free account. You can have a fresh start by completing the sign-up process in just 3 steps.
1) First Step -
Let's get into the fast lane! Fill out your details below. Your information is secure! Now you can get into the next step. Just enter your email and password for your account or click continue with Google.

2) Second Step -
You will need to enter your OTP from your email to complete this step. The email that the OTP was sent to is the same as the one you entered in the first step.
Note - If you are signing up using Gmail this step doesn't apply.
OTP Verification

One Time Password Email
3) Third step -
In the third step, you need to provide details about your company. That's it! You've successfully created a new account.