Email Campaign Template

Create and customize email campaign templates in 3 simple steps.

You can create your own templates for Email, which makes it easier to choose and send it. Here is a walkthrough of how to set up your templates. 

Step 1 - Click Templates > View Templates > Add Template. 

Step 2 - Enter the details in:-

  • Template Name - You can assign a name to your template

  • Tag - Assign tags to pick from your vast database. 

  • Visibility - You can choose to have your template private, team or public

  • Variables - You can add variables to your email content

  • Content Designer Type - You can choose between 2 types of designer for your email template. 

    • Email text editor - You can write your email template content. 

    • Drag & Drop Builder - You can easily drag and drop predefined blocks (text, images, buttons) to create a wonderful email campaign that will automatically adapt to any device.

Step 3 - Click Save and your template will be saved. If you need to edit or delete you can click on the icons under Actions. 

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