You can add subscribers in the cadence by clicking the Add Subscribers button or in the Lead or People section you can select in bulk or individually to subscribe them to the cadence.

Adding Subscribers in bulk via the Cadence section.

Adding Subscribers in the Contact view.
How to Add subscribers from Cadence?
Step 1 - Click the add subscriber button and choose between Leads or People.
Step 2 - Select your target audience by existing filters using the Tag or Smart View options or you can create a whole new segments.

Step 3 - There are certain conditions that need to be selected when doing a bulk operation.
Only add new subscribers; ignore those who have already subscribed and finished.
If a subscriber is new, add them to the cadence. If a subscriber has already finished, restart the cadence for them.
Restart the cadence only for subscribers who have already finished; ignore new contacts.
Step 4 - Select any of the conditions and Click save and your contacts will be subscribed to the cadence.
How to subscribe Contacts individually to cadence?
Step 1 - Select any contact in Leads or People and click Cadence.

Step 2 - Click "Subscribe to Cadence" and select the Cadence from the dropdown.

Step 3 - After selecting the Cadence, click subscribe and you have added the contact to a Cadence. You will be able to see a summary of the contacts performance in Cadence.

How to view the Subscriber Analytics?
You can view each subscriber' analytics in the cadence by clicking the analytics icon in Action. It shows you the Stepwise Execution and Subscriber Stats.
Stepwise Execution - It shows the Day and Time of the execution of the step and the status of the task in each step.
Subscriber Stats - It gives you a complete overview of the Tasks. Example how many SMS or Emails were send or how many activities were created.